Yamanashi Prefecture and SGH2 Energy Partner to Promote Green Hydrogen in Fuji Five Lakes Region


“As part of this landmark agreement, SGH2 Energy will develop and implement a state-of-the-art carbon-negative hydrogen (C-nH2) production facility. Using local biomass and biogenic waste feedstocks from Yamanashi, the facility will produce green hydrogen to power e-mobility fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) systems, replacing diesel-powered tourist buses, and supplying clean energy to meet the demands of local industries.”

U.S. Hydrogen Production Group Leads Major Japanese Project


The companies said the partnership between Yamanashi Prefecture and SGH2 Energy is a milestone in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. Its utilization of local biomass and biogenic waste feedstocks to produce carbon-negative hydrogen could be a blueprint for green energy integration in transportation and industry.”

GS E&C becomes first to export green hydrogen plant modules


“GS Engineering and Construction… has signed a memorandum of understanding with California-based SGH2 to supply modules that will be used to construct green hydrogen plants. The renewables project, led by SGH2 Energy’s special purpose company SGH2 Lancaster LLC, is expected to produce 12 tons of green hydrogen in Lancaster, California, an amount that can fuel 1,700 mid-size hydrogen-powered cars.”

California “green hydrogen” facility claims to displace more CO2 than electrolysis from renewable energy


“The facility will use waste paper as a feedstock, along with recycled water, according to an SGH2 Energy press release. Both will be provided by the City of Lancaster, which will also be co-owner of the facility. This arrangement will reduce landfill methane, and save the city $50 to $75 per ton, according to SGH2 Energy.”

Californian closed-loop project to produce 12,000kg of green hydrogen daily


“California’s first closed-loop green hydrogen ecosystem has today (September 10) been unveiled– and it could produce up to 12,000kg of green hydrogen daily. SGH2 Energy, the City of Lancaster and Iwatani have joined forces on the effort that is set to produce green hydrogen from wastepaper and recycled water by quarter three 2023.”


Iwatani, SGH2 to launch closed-loop green H2 transportation ecosystem in California


“‘This green hydrogen eco-system is environmentally superior, economically competitive and ready to scale,’ said SGH2 CEO Robert T Do. He added that the company is ‘moving quickly”’to build similar green hydrogen eco-systems, both in California and globally.”


City joins hydrogen ecosystem deal -Parris: ‘This is truly an historic day’


“The city, global energy company SGH2 Energy and Iwatani, Japan’s leading hydrogen industrial gas company and a major developer of hydrogen refueling stations in California, launched the state’s first closed-loop green hydrogen ecosystem for transportation with a signing ceremony at Lancaster City Hall.”


Iwatani, SGH2 & City of Lancaster to launch green hydrogen transportation eco-system


“SGH2’s gasification process uses a plasma-enhanced thermal catalytic conversion process optimized with oxygen-enriched gas. In the gasification island’s catalyst-bed chamber, plasma torches generate such high temperatures (3500 ºC - 4000 ºC), that the waste feedstock disintegrates into its molecular compounds, without combustion ash or toxic fly ash.”


Why green hydrogen is the renewable energy source to watch in 2021


“Energy company SGH2 is building a green hydrogen facility in Southern California that will produce it through waste gasification -- heating waste to high temperatures so that the broken down molecules bind with hydrogen -- instead of electrolysis, which is intended to be cheaper.”



Could trash-to-energy technology feed hydrogen demand?


“A preliminary lifecycle analysis indicates that for every ton of hydrogen produced, SGH2’s process displaces 13 to 19 tons more CO2 than processes using electrolysis to split water’s hydrogen and oxygen. Dr. Robert Do said his production costs are lower, averaging $2 per kg. ‘We can do it cheaper because our fuel is free, in exchange for offering disposal services at no cost to generators. And we can run the plant year-round while electrolysis depends on availability of solar and wind.’”


Zero-carbon hydrogen could be cost-competitive in transport sector by 2030


“Mirroring market projections offered by UC Irvine, SGH2 says that its facility's production would initially supply California's growing light-duty fuel cell electric vehicle market. Both researchers and SGH2, though, envision future market growth coming from to heavy-duty vehicles, industrial end-users and power generators.”


World’s Largest Renewable Hydrogen Plant


“SGH2 CEO Dr. Robert Do, ‘Our production process actually removes greenhouse gas emissions from the Earth. Because the feedstocks we use to produce hydrogen come from a biogenic source (e.g. recycled mixed paper), our hydrogen has a negative carbon intensity of -188 kgCO2eq/kg of H2 (explained below). We are greener than green!’”


Green Hydrogen Project Vaporises Rubbish Into Energy


“Robert Do, SGH2 Energy president and CEO, said, ‘What is even more exciting is that we can also help fix our broken recycling industry by using massive amounts of recycled materials, which no longer have a market because China has banned their import, to produce a zero-carbon fuel — and thereby creating a sustainable circular economy.’”


SGH2 to bring the biggest green hydrogen production facility to California


“The gasification process to be used by SGH2 uses a plasma-enhanced thermal catalytic conversion process. This is further enhanced using oxygen-enriched gas. The catalyst-bed chamber in the gasification island uses plasma torches to produce exceptionally high temperatures within the range of 3500ºC to 4000ºC (6330ºF to 7230ºF). Those temperatures are high enough that waste feedstock breaks down into its molecular compounds without producing any toxic fly or combustion ash. The gases leave the catalyst-bed chamber causing the molecules to bind together into a very high-quality hydrogen-rich biosyngas. This output is free of soot, tar and heavy metals.”


How Long Until Hydrogen Is Competitive At The Pump?


“One of the real challenges will be getting enough hydrogen to the fueling station to meet maximum demand. Another hurdle to clear — the actual source of the hydrogen — will be gaining much attention as the world's largest green hydrogen plant makes its way to Lancaster, Calif. The production plant just north of Los Angeles will use plastics and recycled paper as a feedstock — waste that would otherwise go to a landfill. It has to be gasified at temperatures of 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit before being converted into hydrogen. SGH2 Energy Global, which is part of the Solena Group, has been in charge of the project.”


SGH2, Lancaster Officials Partner on Green Hydrogen Facility


“‘That’s why our partnership with SGH2 is so important. It not only solves our air quality and climate challenges by producing pollution-free hydrogen. It also solves our plastics and waste problem by turning it into green hydrogen, and does it cleaner and at costs far lower than any other green hydrogen producers,’ says R. Rex Parris, mayor of Lancaster.”



World's Largest Green Hydrogen Power Plant to Be Operational by 2023


“A plan to create a waste converting plant is now underway to produce green hydrogen and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In Lancaster in California, SGH2 Energy Global will be employing technology to double or triple carbon reduction compared to renewable energy and electrolysis. In addition, the process is cheaper by a factor of 5 to 7.” 


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California To Get World's Largest Hydrogen Plant That Can Turn Trash Into Ultra-Cheap Fuel


“‘As the world, and our city, cope with the coronavirus crisis, we are looking for ways to ensure a better future. We know a circular economy with renewable energy is the path, and we have positioned ourselves to be the alternative energy capital of the world. That's why our partnership with SGH2 is so important,’ Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said.”


World’s Biggest Green H2 Production Plant Will Fuel Stations in California


“SGH2’s hydrogen is greener than green because in addition to producing carbon-free hydrogen, SGH2’s patented Solena Plasma Enhanced Gasification (SPEG) technology gasifies biogenic waste materials, and uses no externally sourced energy. Berkeley Lab performed a preliminary lifecycle carbon analysis, which found that for every ton of hydrogen produced, SPEG technology reduces emissions by 23 to 31 tons of CO2 equivalent, which is 13 to 19 tons more CO2 avoided per ton than any other green hydrogen process. And SGH2 hydrogen is five to seven times cheaper than other green hydrogen.”


California city approves the world's largest green hydrogen plant that turns trash into clean power


“A new facility in Lancaster, California provides a solution two of the world's greatest problems: climate change caused by greenhouse gasses and plastic pollution. Lancaster, a city located about 70 miles north of downtown Los Angeles, has teamed up with SGH2 Energy Global to build a green hydrogen plant that's three times larger than any in the world. The facility will take plastic and recycled paper and transform it into hydrogen.”


World's largest hydrogen plant will turn trash into green power


“‘We have positioned ourselves to be the alternative energy capital of the world," Lancaster Mayor Republican R. Rex Parris, said in a statement. "This is game-changing technology. It not only solves our air quality and climate challenges by producing pollution-free hydrogen. It also solves our plastics and waste problems by turning them into green hydrogen…’”



California to use revolutionary “plasma torch” tech in world’s largest hydrogen plant


“American energy company SGH2 is planning the world’s largest green hydrogen production facility at the City of Lancaster, in the northern suburbs of Los Angeles. The plant will use SGH2’s plasma heating process for making hydrogen from recycled mixed paper waste.

SGH2, a subsidiary of Washington, DC energy company Solena Group, will “gasify” the waste paper. This entails heating it to around 4,000°C, causing the waste to disintegrate into its constituent molecules and reform as a gas that, after further processing, is 99.99% hydrogen.”


The World’s Biggest Green Hydrogen Plant Is Planned For California. Its Prospects For Electric Power And Transportation?


“If this Lancaster project works as advertised, hydrogen’s prospects will spike — not just in California but also around the world where used plastics are littering the landscape and oceans. That waste would be gasified and turned into hydrogen that can run both power plants and cars — a critical step to reaching global climate targets and running a decarbonized economy.”


Global Energy Company to Produce Green Hydrogen Production Plant


“SGH2 makes hydrogen with a plasma heating technology, which was originally developed for NASA. This technology can disintegrate recyclable materials at high temperatures.”


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It’s the End of Recycling as We Know It


“Fossil fuels comprise the main source of hydrogen today, but green hydrogen alternatives are emerging. So far, the activity has mainly focused on splitting water with an electrical current, deploying wind or solar power. The gasification option could provide an additional commercial pathway for green hydrogen, while also helping municipal governments develop more sustainable and economical waste management plans. The company behind the hydrogen project,  SGH2, also has its eye on gasifying other types of waste.”


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World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Plant Will Soon Be Turning California’s Trash into Ultra-Cheap Fuel


“‘We are the only company in the world delivering green hydrogen that is cost-competitive with the cheapest, dirtiest hydrogen made from coal and gas, and much less expensive than other green hydrogen,’ says SGH2 CEO Dr. Robert Do. ‘Our technology can scale quickly and produce fuel 24/7, year-round.’”



Wind and solar? Old news. California wants to vaporize trash to create energy


“‘What is exciting about our technology, and the Lancaster project, is that we can produce green hydrogen four to five times cheaper than other green hydrogen, and is cost-competitive with the cheapest hydrogen made from fossil fuels,’ Robert Do, SGH2 Energy president and CEO, told Digital Trends. ‘We have solved the biggest barrier to decarbonizing these hard to abate sectors: Cost.’”


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Hydrogen from garbage?


“‘Hydrogen is the emerging solution for hard-to-decarbonize sectors like the cement industry,’ said Lawrie Evans, a technical expert in the cement industry, and former director of the world’s largest cement company, LafargeHolcim. ‘SGH2’s solution — to produce green hydrogen and bio-syngas from the gasification of biomass and biogenic waste using its SPEG process — can be a cost competitive solution to provide the high quality heat required in our industry, and replace or reduce the usage of coal and coke.’”


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World’s largest green hydrogen project to launch in California


“Developed by NASA scientist Dr. Salvador Camacho and SGH2 CEO Dr. Robert T. Do, a biophysicist and physician, SGH2’s proprietary technology gasifies any kind of waste – from plastic to paper and from tires to textiles – to make hydrogen.”


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Green Hydrogen Production Facility to Be Built in California


“SGH2’s process uses a plasma-enhanced thermal catalytic conversion process optimized with oxygen-enriched gas. In the gasification island’s catalyst-bed chamber, plasma torches generate such high temperatures (3500 ºC - 4000 ºC), that the waste feedstock disintegrates into its molecular compounds, without combustion ash or toxic fly ash. As the gases exit the catalyst-bed chamber, the molecules bind into a very high quality hydrogen-rich biosyngas free of tar, soot and heavy metals.”


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California city to host world’s largest green hydrogen project


“The city of Lancaster in California has partnered with energy company SGH2 to build what is claimed to be the world’s largest green hydrogen production facility. The facility will leverage SGH2’s technology to recycle mixed paper waste to produce “greener than green” hydrogen. The green hydrogen reduces carbon emissions by two to three times more than hydrogen produced using electrolysis and renewable energy.”


Green hydrogen plant gasifying recycled paper waste planned for southern California city


“Developed by NASA scientist Dr. Salvador Camacho and SGH2 CEO Robert T. Do, a biophysicist and physician, SGH2’s proprietary technology gasifies any kind of waste – from plastic to paper and from tires to textiles – to make hydrogen. The technology has been vetted and validated, technically and financially, by leading global institutions including the US Export-Import Bank, Barclays and Deutsche Bank, and Shell New Energies’ gasification experts.”


City in CA Signs Deal for World’s Largest Renewable Hydrogen Project


“‘Berkeley Lab performed a preliminary lifecycle carbon analysis, which found that for every ton of hydrogen produced, SPEG technology reduces emissions by 23 to 31 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is 13 to 19 tons more carbon dioxide avoided per ton than any other green hydrogen process,’ the company stated. ‘And SGH2 hydrogen is five to seven times cheaper than other green hydrogen.’”


Lancaster, California to host world’s largest green hydrogen project


“The City of Lancaster in the US state of California has partnered with energy company SGH2 to construct what is claimed to be the world’s largest green hydrogen production facility. The facility will leverage SGH2’s technology to recycle mixed paper waste to produce ‘greener than green’ hydrogen.”


Developer plans to build hydrogen plant that runs on waste in Southern California


“Around 70 million tons of hydrogen is being used around the world today, Robert Do, CEO of SGH2 told Utility Dive, most of which is derived from either natural gas or coal. But the Lancaster plant will instead produce hydrogen by gasifying waste material using plasma torches, an ‘industrial tool that can raise the heat to very high levels,’ he explained.”


California trash-to-hydrogen plant promises dirt-cheap, super-green H2


“Lancaster, California will be home to a "greener than green" trash-to hydrogen production plant three times the size of any other green H2 facility. SGH2 says its process is the cleanest of all on the market, while matching the price of the cheapest producers – and pulling tens of thousands of tons of garbage out of landfills.”


Group Says It Will Launch World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Project


“SGH2’s ‘greener than green’ claim comes because in addition to producing carbon-free hydrogen, the company’s Solena Plasma Enhanced Gasification (SPEG) technology gasifies biogenic waste materials, and uses no externally sourced energy.  The company said that Berkeley Lab in a preliminary lifecycle carbon analysis found ‘that for every ton of hydrogen produced, SPEG technology reduces emissions by 23 to 31 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is 13 to 19 tons more carbon dioxide avoided per ton than any other green hydrogen process. And SGH2 hydrogen is five to seven times cheaper than other green hydrogen.’


California to host green hydrogen-from-waste plant


“‘SGH2’s solution — to produce green hydrogen and bio-syngas from the gasification of biomass and biogenic waste using its SPEG process — can be a cost competitive solution to provide the high quality heat required in our industry, and replace or reduce the usage of coal and coke,’ said Lawrie Evans, a technical expert in the cement industry, and former director of the world’s largest cement company, LafargeHolcim.”


Major green hydrogen project planned for California


“Hosted and co-owned by the City of Lancaster, the plant will produce up to 11,000 kilogrammes of green hydrogen per day, 3.8 million kilogrammes per year, and will process 40,000 tonnes of waste annually. ‘We know a circular economy with renewable energy is the path, and we have positioned ourselves to be the alternative energy capital of the world,’ explains Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris.”


Green hydrogen developer plans California startup of world's largest facility


“SGH2's Lancaster, California plant will produce some 40,000 tons of green hydrogen annually, sufficient to fuel 2,200 fuel cell electric vehicles per day. The plant also dramatically expands the US' announced production capacity for the carbon-neutral fuel, currently estimated at 180,000 tons/year, according to S&P Global Platts Analytics.”


Greener-than-green hydrogen to be produced at same cost as grey H2 at world’s largest facility


“‘We don't charge for the waste feedstock. To me, the key issue to the global problem of handling waste is the tipping fee,’ he tells Recharge, explaining that a lot of rubbish around the world is not processed because municipalities cannot afford to pay a third party to take it off their hands. ‘We look at it as a valuable product. People have to sort this material, they have to bring it to the recycling centre, they have to transport it to us, but it’s a fuel. If you can get fuel for zero cost and our competitors have to buy coal or natural gas, that’s already a huge help.’”


First-of-its-kind clean hydrogen plant planned for Los Angeles County


“Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a federal research institute, studied gasification as part of a recent report. They found that producing hydrogen through gasification of organic waste — basically applying heat and pressure until the waste becomes a gas — could be one of the cheaper strategies for bringing down carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. How would that work? The trick is to understand that organic waste — such as paper goods — might otherwise decompose in landfills, where it would ooze methane, a heat-trapping gas. Diverting that waste from the landfill, and converting it to hydrogen, would avoid some of those emissions. And the hydrogen would also displace a dirtier fuel, such as diesel in a heavy-duty truck.”