SGH2 is the only company providing the missing link to decarbonize the world.
Climate change is striking harder and more rapidly than expected. For the first time, climate related issues dominate all of the top-five long-term likely risks, according to the World Economic Forum.
Hydrogen is the emerging solution for hard-to-decarbonize sectors. Until now, green hydrogen has been too expensive and too hard to scale to be economically viable.
Competitive with the cheapest carbon-intensive hydrogen made from fossil fuels
Our production costs (based on current US costs) are projected to be US$2 per kg of green hydrogen. Brown hydrogen produced from cheap coal in India costs US$2 per kg.
Removes more carbon than other hydrogen
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has performed a preliminary lifecycle carbon analysis of our hydrogen indicating that for every ton of hydrogen produced, our patented Solena Plasma Enhanced Gasification (SPEG) technology displaces 23 to 31 tons of carbon dioxide. That’s 13 to 19 tons more carbon dioxide avoided than other green hydrogen processes, which rely on electrolysis and renewable energy.
Producers of so-called blue, grey and brown hydrogen use either fossil fuels (natural gas or coal) or low-temperature gasification (<2000° C), which produces dirty syngas with toxic tars and low quality hydrogen. Other green hydrogen producers use electrolysis dependent on large amounts of intermittent renewable energy and deionized water, which is cleaner, but comes at a high cost (US$10 to $15 per kg) and lack of reliability.
Can scale quickly
Our stacked modular design is built for rapid scale and linear distributed expansion, at lower capital costs, and on a fraction of the land required by other green hydrogen facilities reliant on large scale solar and wind farms. All engineering and construction is standardized and quality assured, performed in collaboration with the largest engineering, procuring and construction companies in the world such as Fluor Group.
Provides green hydrogen year-round, 24/7
Unlike other green hydrogen production reliant on solar or wind, the SPEG process operates on a year round base load capacity and therefore can produce hydrogen at scale more reliably.
Fueling a clean energy future, today
Bloomberg New Energy Finance analysis predicts dramatic greenhouse gas reductions when green hydrogen becomes cost competitive, and forecasts green hydrogen costs dropping to U.S. $2 per kilogram by 2030 in India and Western Europe. SGH2 is producing greener than green hydrogen at that cost today.
“Hydrogen is promising and powerful because it can be used for so many things. Renewable energy has paved the way to carbon-free electricity. But to meet net-zero emissions targets, we need to go beyond electricity and have carbon-free fuels. That is the role for hydrogen.”
— Kobad Bhavnagri, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

SGH2 is the only company with the solution to the plastic crisis.
Waste is an overwhelming global problem, clogging our waterways, contaminating our oceans, packing our landfills and polluting our skies. Millions of tons of plastic end up in our oceans annually – creating human, economic, environmental and climate crises. In addition to killing sea life, releasing chemicals, and clogging the ocean ecosystem, this plastic pollution also reduces the ocean’s ability to absorb greenhouse gases.
When China banned the import of recycled waste materials in 2018, the market for all recyclables, from mixed plastics to cardboard and paper, collapsed. Now, most of these materials are going to landfills. Methane released from landfills is a heat-trapping gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. In 2019, methane in the atmosphere spiked, accelerating at a rate higher than any jump over the past two decades.
Our very high operating temperature means we can process any kind of waste – from plastic to car tires to hazardous medical waste.
We originally developed this technology to deal with medical waste. There is no other company or technology in the world that can eliminate plastic cleanly, much less turn it into a clean burning fuel.
Companies that burn plastic produce toxic pollution. Companies that gasify waste produce dirty syngas and byproduct. Ours is the only process optimized to produce a tar-free and hydrogen-rich syngas, providing the highest amount of green hydrogen per ton of waste.
“Solena Plasma Enhanced Gasification (SPEG) Technology is the missing link for the circular economy and upcycling waste products to green hydrogen for transportation. It will help many developing countries without resources to decarbonize and decrease their needs for oil and gas.”
— Dr. Hasan Can Okutan, Founder, Synthetic Fuel Technology Center, Istanbul Technical University